Compilação de artigos
Convite para contribuições para a nova coleção especial da revista de acesso aberto Biomarker Insights: "Biomarkers in a ‘One Health’ context" da SAGE

Convite à submissão de artigos para integrar o número especial dedicado a biomarcadoes para animais domésticos dentro do conceito unificado de Saúde (One Health).

Consultar a página respetiva para mais informações.

According to the One Health concept, people's health is closely linked to animal health and the environment. Biomarkers are defined as measurable biochemical indicators of the presence of disease or as indicators for monitoring probability of its occurrence, development and progression. Biomarkers have been used in several domains such as oncology, neurology, cardiovascular, inflammatory and respiratory disease, and in several endocrinopathies. Bridging biomarkers in a One Health perspective has been proven useful in all of these domains.

Guest Editor: Prof. Fernando Manuel Salvado Capela e Silva

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    1. Biomarkers in One Health Studies

    2. Public Health

    3. Human and Animal Models for Translational Research/Medicine

    4. Biomarkers of Emergent Infectious Diseases (and Zoonotic)

    5. Biomarkers of Non-communicable Diseases

    6. Microbiome Biomarkers

    7. Behavioral Biomarkers

    8. Welfare and Stress Biomarkers

    9. The Importance of Animals as Sentinels

The submitted manuscripts for this Special Collection will be peer-reviewed before publication.


De 04.12.2019 a 31.03.2020